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Lista de Formulários
Form Model SSD
Information and instructions for completing form mod. RSI 1 RSI1/2 ---
Declaration - Payment Authorisation to Third Parties MG 16-EN ---
Application European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) GIT53 ---
Declaration of Authorisation to Third Parties PA 12-EN ---
Communication of early return to work GIT 69-EN ---
Statement of Extension of the Allowance for the Care of a Child with a Disability, Chronic Illness or Cancer RP 5061-EN ---
Application for the Grandchild Care Allowance RP 5054-EN ---
Application for the Childcare Allowance RP 5052-EN ---
Application – Allowance/Clinical risk during pregnancy/Pregnant Woman who needs to travel to a hospital located outside her island of residence to give birt /Pregnancy Termination/Specific Risks RP 5051-EN ---
Application for Allowance for the Care of a Child with a Disability, Chronic Illness or Cancer RP 5053-EN ---
Application for Compensatory Benefits RP 5003-EN ---
Application for the Household Allowance or the Social Support Benefit - Special Fund for Insurance Professionals RP 5010-EN ---
Statement of Household Composition and Income CI 13-EN ---
Statement of Consent to the Recognition of the Informal Carer Status CI 12-EN ---
Primary Informal Care Allowance – continuation sheet CI 2/1-EN ---
Primary Informal Care Allowance CI 2-EN ---
Application for Recognition of the Informal Carer Status – continuation sheet CI 1/1-EN ---
Application for Recognition of the Informal Carer Status CI 1-EN ---
Application for Adoption/Host Family Care Allowance/Information and completion instructions - RP 5050 1 RP 5050/1-EN ---
Application - Social Integration Income (RSI) RSI1 ---