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Social unemployment benefit

Who is entitled Who is entitled

  • Beneficiaries who are not entitled to unemployment benefit
  • Beneficiaries who have reached the term of the unemployment benefit granting period and fulfil the following eligibility conditions.

Eligibility conditions Eligibility conditions

  • Qualifying period: To have been an employed person for 180 days with the corresponding registration of pay-slips within a period of 12 months immediately prior to the date of the unemployment, without prejudice, where necessary, to the working days of the month the unemployment occurred, and to the vacation days not taken for the duration of the labour contract, being considered as relevant.

Assets - At the time of presenting the claim, the claimant, by himself, or together with the members of the household, must not be in possession of assets (bank deposits, bonds, savings certificates or other financial products) of an amount higher than 125.400,00 € (240 times the SSI amount).


  • Means testing: The means testing criteria is based on the claimant’s household income, in accordance with the “general entitlement conditions” of the solidarity subsystem. It cannot be higher than 80% of the SSI (418 €) subject to weighted per capita calculations.

Per capita calculation of household income - The weighting of each element is based on the following equivalence scale:


Household Members Weight
Claimant 1,0
Adult member 0,7
Minor 0,5


Duration Duration

The benefit is payable for a period established according to the age of the beneficiary and to the number of months with registered pay-slips since the last unemployment situation.


Period of concession
Age of the beneficiary

Number of months with
registered pay slips

Days of benefit Increase
(for every 5 years with registered pay slips in the last 20 years)
Under 30 years Less than 15 150 30 days
Equal to or more than 15 and less than 24 210
Equal to or more than 24 330
Equal to or over 30 and under 40 years Less than 15 180 30 days
Equal to or more than 15 and less than 24 330
Equal to or more than 24 420
Equal to or over  40 and under 50 years Less than 15 210 45 days
Equal to or more than 15 and less than 24 360
Equal to or more than 24 540
Equal to or over 50 years Less than 15 270 60 days
Equal to or more than 15 and less than 24 480
Equal to or more than 24 months 540


Social unemployment benefit following the unemployment benefit:

  • Beneficiaries under 40 years of age: granted during half the above-mentioned periods, taking into account the age of the beneficiary at the time that the unemployment benefit was terminated
  • Beneficiaries over 40 years of age: same duration as for the unemployment benefit initially granted.


Period of concession
Age of the beneficiary Number of months with registered pay slips Days of benefit Increase
(for every 5 years with registered pay slips in the last 20 years)
Under 30 years

Equal to or less than 24

270 -
More than 24 360 30 days
Equal to or over 30 and under 40 years Equal to or less than 48 360 -
More than 48 540 30 days
Equal to or over 40 and under 45 years Equal to or less than 60 540 -
More than 60 720 30 days
Equal to or over 45 years Equal to or less than 72 720 -
More than 72 900 60 days


Amount Amount

The daily amount is calculated with reference to the SSI, on the basis of 30 days per month:

  • 522,50 € (100% of the SSI) for the beneficiaries living in a household, or the net amount of the reference remuneration, if lower
  • 418 € (80% of the SSI) for single beneficiaries, or the net amount of the reference remuneration, if lower.


The reference earnings (R/180) result from the following calculation:

The sum total of the remunerations declared for social security purposes in the first 6 civil months from the last 8, counted from the month prior to the date of unemployment, including the vacation and Christmas subsidies, divided by 180.

How to claim How to claim

The claim must be presented online, within 90 days of the date of unemployment, to the Employment Centre of the beneficiary’s area of residence.
If the claim is presented after the 90 day period but during the legal period of benefit concession, there will be a reduction in the respective concession period, corresponding to the delay in the presentation of the claim.