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Portugal 2020

What is it What is it

This is the PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT adopted between Portugal and the Commission, which brings together the work of the five European Structural and Investment Funds – European Regional Development Fund, Cohesion Fund, European Social Fund, European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and European Fund of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries - which defines the programming principles that enshrine the economic, social and territorial development policy to be promoted in Portugal between 2014 and 2020.


These programming principles are aligned with Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth, in line with the EUROPE 2020 STRATEGY.



Project designation Registo IPSS_AM + Simples

Project Code | POCI-02-0550-FEDER-043945

Main Goal | The Project aims to implement an Information System to support the Registration Acts of Private Social Solidarity Institutions (IPSS) and Mutual Associations (AM)

Promoting Entity | Instituto de Informática, I.P.

Partner Entity | DGSS

Candidacy Status | Completed

Start Date | 01-05-2019

Date of the conclusion | 30-06-2021

Nominated Cost | 429.712,80 EUR

European Union Financial Support | FEDER | 244.721,44 EUR

Project designation | Protege +

Project Code | POCI-02-0550-FEDER-040616

Main Goal | The Project's objective is the Design and Implementation of a support information system that allows the registration of signs online, through the National Commission portal and accessible to the Citizen, including children and young victims or witnesses, which allows the registration of the information and, subsequently, the electronic transfer thereof to the territorially competent CPCJ.

Promoting Entity | Instituto de Informática, I.P.

Partner Entities | CNPDPCJ ; ISS

Candidacy Status | Aproved

Start Date | 19-06-2019

Date of the conclusion | 18-06-2021

Approved eligible cost | 997.965,42 EUR

European Union Financial Support | FEDER – 568.341,31 EUR

Project designation | GAJ .: Gestão de Apoio Judiciário

Project Code | POCI-02-0550-FEDER-040219

Main Goal | The Project aims to implement a new functionality in Direct Social Security, resorting to dematerialization and procedural simplification with regard to the treatment of requests for legal aid

Promoting Entity | Instituto de Informática, I.P.

Partner Entities | ISS; IGFEJ

Candidacy Status | In progress

Start Date | 01-02-2019

Date of the conclusion | 31-07-2021

Approved eligible cost | 969.922,54 EUR

European Union Financial Support | FEDER – 552.370,89 EUR

Project designation | NCS .: Nova Carta Social

Project Code | POCI-02-0550-FEDER-035491

Main Goal | The Project aims to simplify and dematerialize the interaction between citizens and Social Security regarding information and data updating processes regarding the network of services, equipment, and dissemination of social responses, through a tool available online. 

Promoting Entity | Instituto de Informática, I.P.

Partner Entity | GEP

Candidacy Status | In progress

Start Date | 15-04-2018

Date of the conclusion | 31-12-2020

Approved eligible cost | 995.605,86 EUR

European Union Financial Support | FEDER – 566.997,54 EUR

Project designation | RFI .: Racionalização da Função Informática

Project Code | POCI-02-0550-FEDER-021924

Main Goal | The Project aims to create the conditions for the integration of all MTSSS entities in a single ITSM Solution for Management using ISO 20000 processes, where they can register Incidents and service requests.

Promoting Entity | Instituto de Informática, I.P.

Candidacy Status | Completed

Start Date | 20-01-2016

Date of the conclusion | 31-12-2016

Approved eligible cost | 142.837,65 EUR

European Union Financial Support | FEDER – 81.346,04 EUR

Project designation | Seg-Social com iAP 

Project Code | POCI-02-0550-FEDER-040132

Main Goal | The Project aims to implement the process of integrating information from the SISS with the iAP, always supported by protocols between the parties, so that it is consumed by those who need it, whenever justified and with the proper authorization of it's own.

Promoting Entity | Instituto de Informática, I.P.

Candidacy Status | Completed

Start Date | 01-10-2017 

Date of the conclusion | 30-09-2019

Approved eligible cost | 172.950,30 EUR

European Union Financial Support | FEDER – 98.495,20 EUR

Project designation | Visão 360º .: Sistema de Gestão do Relacionamento com o Cliente no ISS, I.P.

Project Code | POCI-02-0550-FEDER-022126

Main Goal | The Project's objective is to design, develop and implement a Relationship Management system to support all service channels, dematerialized and encompassing all ISS and IGFSS business areas. The provision of a 360 view of the Social Security Client will also be guaranteed.

Promoting Entity | Instituto de Informática, I.P.

Partner Entity | ISS

Candidacy Status | Revoked

Start Date | 01-04-2017

Date of the conclusion | 29-03-2020

Approved eligible cost | 2.880.000 EUR

European Union Financial Support | FEDER – 1.640.160 EUR

Project designation | App Seg_Social + Proxima

Project Code | POCI-02-0550-FEDER-040129

Main Goal | The Project aims to implement a Mobile Application for Social Security, Social Security App + Close that will allow, in an intuitive, practical and safe way, to carry out the main tasks arising from the citizen's relationship with Social Security.

Promoting Entity | Instituto de Informática, I.P.

Candidacy Status | Completed

Start Date | 01-04-2018

Date of the conclusion | 30-09-2019

Approved eligible cost | 89.880,53 EUR

European Union Financial Support | FEDER – 51.186,96 EUR

Project designation | DROP .: Declarações de Remunerações Oficiosas e Parentalidade

Project Code | POCI-02-0550-FEDER-022109

Main Goal | The Project aims to carry out the dematerialization and reengineering, in two business processes that are complementary to each other: Declarations of Unofficial Remuneration and the complete dematerialization of the Parenting Process whose processing and treatment are still based on paper.

Promoting Entity | Instituto de Informática, I.P.

Partner Entity | ISS

Candidacy Status | Completed

Start Date | 01-03-2017

Date of the conclusion | 31-12-2020

Approved eligible cost | 1.714.486,20 EUR

European Union Financial Support | FEDER – 976.399,89 EUR

Project designation | Catálogo de produtos de apoio para pessoas com deficiência e incapacidade

Project Code | POCI-02-0550-FEDER-022167

Main Goal | The Project's objective is to implement a national tool in a "support products catalog" format, accessible via the web, which will enhance greater access to products and the possibility of comparison for better prescription/acquisition, as well as better resource management financial and greater transparency and competition in the market.

Promoting Entity | INR

Partner Entity | Instituto de Informática, I.P.

Candidacy Status | Completed

Start Date | 20-03-2017

Date of the conclusion | 30-04-2018

Approved eligible cost | 173.381,49 EUR

European Union Financial Support | FEDER – 97.895,29 EUR

Project designation | BERTA .: Base do Emprego, Relações de Trabalho em Ação

Project Code | POCI-02-0550-FEDER-044020

Main Goal | The Project aims to overhaul the DGERT information system with a view to contributing to the modernization of DGERT's relationship with society in general, in particular in relation to companies and social partners, with expected results in terms of reducing public costs of context and very positive effects on the interaction with the population.

Promoting Entity | DGERT

Partner Entity | Instituto de Informática, I.P.

Candidacy Status |Community accepted

Start Date | 29-10-2020

Date of the conclusion | 29-10-2022

Approved eligible cost | 274.416,21 EUR

European Union Financial Support | FEDER 156.280,04 EUR

Project designation | Relatório Único +simples

Project Code | POCI-02-0550-FEDER-022511

Main Goal | The Project aims to create a Portal that provides scientific and technical information, including statistical information, to support decision-making by the Government and other Sovereign Bodies, as well as Social Partners and other Administrations, allowing for ex-ante study and evaluation. , on going and ex-post of policies in the Ministry's area of ​​intervention and by other ministries, Academy and Society.

Promoting Entity | GEP

Partner Entity | Instituto de Informática, I.P.

Candidacy Status | Completed

Start Date | 01-04-2017

Date of the conclusion | 31-12-2020

Approved eligible cost | 283.097,00 EUR

European Union Financial Support | FEDER – 161.223,75 EUR


Project designation | IA - SAF Prototipo Inteligencia Artifical-SAF

Project Code | POCI-05-5762-FSE-000200

Main Goal | The Project aims to develop a prototype that aims to evaluate the implementation of a machine learning process, on a universe of data from SAF investigation processes.

Promoting Entity | Instituto de Informática, I.P.

Candidacy Status | Completed

Start Date | 01-02-2019

Date of the conclusion | 30-04-2020

Approved eligible cost | 100.970,00 EUR

European Union Financial Support | FSE 57.502,42 EUR

Project designation | Revisão de processo do SGI

Project Code | POCI-05-5762-FSE-000028

Main Goal | The Project's objective is to reformulate the Integrated Management System of the Instituto de Informática, I.P., in order to respond to non-conformities and opportunities for improvement identified successively in the various diagnoses, assessments and audits carried out.

Promoting Entity | Instituto de Informática, I.P.

Candidacy Status | Completed

Start Date | 12-11-2018

Date of the conclusion | 07-12-2019

Approved eligible cost | 102.166,81 EUR

European Union Financial Support | FSE – 58.184,00 EUR

Project designation | Estudo arquitetura informacional  SS_CGA

Project Code | POCI-05-5762-FSE-000012

Main Goal | The Project aims to analyze the 'registration' information existing in Social Security and CGA, identifying the necessary requirements for a leveling between this information and, with this analysis, have a basis that allows decision-making on possible forms of information integration.

Promoting Entity | Instituto de Informática, I.P.

Candidacy Status | Completed

Start Date | 01-02-2017

Date of the conclusion | 31-01-2018

Approved eligible cost | 364.555,31 EUR

European Union Financial Support | FSE – 309.872,01 EUR

Project designation | Programa de Transformação

Project Code | POCI-05-5762-FSE-000185

Main Goal | The Project aims to carry out three transformation sub-projects which aim to improve the quality, efficiency and compliance of the Social Security Information System. It is intended to adopt innovative measures of standardization, simplification, integration and automation, promoting internal efficiency and improving the working conditions of AP employees, and improving the reach and accessibility of social security online information systems.

Promoting Entity | Instituto de Informática, I.P.

Partner Entity | ISS

Candidacy Status | In Progress

Start Date | 01-11-2017

Date of the conclusion | 31-10-2019

Approved eligible cost | 1.191.674,89 EUR

European Union Financial Support | FSE – 1.012.923,66 EUR

Project designation | Implementar o Sistema de Gestão da Conciliação no II, I.P.

Project Code | POCI-05-5762-FSE-000303

Main Goal | The Project aims to implement the Conciliation Management System in II, IP, with subsequent certification. This implementation aims to promote the development of more attractive reconciliation measures that guarantee a better balance between professional, family and personal life for all workers in the II.

Promoting Entity | Instituto de Informática, I.P.

Candidacy Status | In Progress

Start Date | 03-02-2020

Date of the conclusion | 31-07-2021

Candidate Cost| Approved Eligible Cost | 42.913,63 EUR

European Union Financial Support | FSE 36.476,59 EUR

Project designation | Transformação Digital na Segurança Social – Alinhamento com nova Visão 2.0 

Project Code | POCI-05-5762-FSE-000248

Main Goal | The objective of the Project is to carry out a transformation plan at the level of the Information System Strategy. It will also make it possible to carry out a study to rationalize the processes implemented in the Business Continuity Process, in order to increase its efficiency and effectiveness and suitability to the demands of the ongoing digital transformation.

Promoting Entity | Instituto de Informática, I.P.

Candidacy Status | In Progress

Start Date | 01-07-2019

Date of the conclusion | 30-06-2021

Approved Eligible Cost | 345.667,42 EUR

European Union Financial Support | FSE 293.817,31 EUR

Project designation | AGORA .: Agilizar, Gerir, Organizar, Relacionar, Automatizar

Project Code | POCI-05-5762-FSE-000007

Main Goal | The Project aims to implement four subprojects with the respective objectives: Subproject 1: Dematerialization and automation of the Family Benefits process; Subproject 2: Customer Relationship Management System – scenarios and requirements; Subproject 3: Creation of a Computer Application for International Relations Management; Subproject 4: Recovery and Availability of Micrographic Information of District Centers.

Promoting Entity | ISS

Partner Entity | Instituto de Informática, I.P.

Candidacy Status | In Progress

Start Date | 02-03-2016

Date of the conclusion | 01-03-2020

Approved Eligible Cost | 1.943.000,00 EUR

European Union Financial Support | FSE – 1.651.550,00 EUR