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Value chain


The Value Chain is made up of 20 processes, divided between realization processes and management and support processes, which guide the main activities to be carried out by the Institute in the fulfillment of its mission and attributions.


The realization processes bring together the activities of identification, specification, development, accreditation, availability, maintenance and evolution of ICT services. The management and support processes bring together activities relating to strategic and operational planning, the management of human, material and logistical resources, and the management of information security.


These processes are associated with 4 macro activities, which are related to each other, namely:

  • Plan and Manage Resources;
  • Develop and Deliver Services;
  • Ensure Availability and Security of Services;
  • Solve problems and provide support to users.


In addition to the processes linked to macro activities, there is also a Risk Management process that operates across the entire value chain.


The general objective of the Risk Management process is to align risk management practices with the approved risk policy, and to ensure the existence of a risk management methodology common to all processes and activities of the Institute, ensuring that the risks are identified, evaluated and dealt with in all processes, services, projects within the scope of the IMS.


The IMS processes are broken down into operational procedures and include indicators suitable for the regular measurement of the respective performance.